The Faces of Aging

Marco Trabucchi

The Faces of Aging

1ª edizione luglio 2016
Formato 12,5 x 20 cm - BROSSURA
Disponibile anche in formato eBook
Numero pagine 208
CDU 19F 178
ISBN/EAN 9788821598852

Marco Trabucchi addresses all aspects of aging: health, disease, life alone - at home or at dedicated facilities - or family. The starting point is the recognition of the individual’s uniqueness and the inability to classify the elderly within preconceived patterns. Every person is unique, therefore it is important to emphasize the richness of a personal world that cannot and should not be read in terms of loss. From the pages we can meet several faces of aging: health and sickness, joy and sadness, loneliness or significant relationships, poverty and wealth, without stereotypes. A book by a well-known expert far from the feel-good rhetoric and from the pessimism of the numbers.

The several faces of aging, without stereotypes. 

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