Ratzinger, the choice
I did not run away
On 11 February 2013, in a 'Declaration' of just twenty lines, Benedict XVI announced his decision to renounce the papacy. Ten years have passed since that decision, which literally changed not only Joseph Ratzinger's life, but also and above all the history of the Church and the Papacy. After his resignation, how has Benedict XVI lived as Pope Emeritus? What has he done in these ten years? Did he just pray for the Church? Conceived as a sort of journey, the book retraces and documents the most salient moments of these ten years, from the early days to the sad and painful affair that saw Ratzinger accused of covering up for a paedophile priest when he was archbishop of Munich and Freising. From the numerous testimonies reported in the book, first and foremost that of his historic secretary Msgr. Georg Gänswein, it is clear that Benedict XVI's pontificate, at the beginning and at the end, was God's choice, which he meekly obeyed twice. "It is also fascinating for me to read and leaf through this book, born from the pen of a passionate journalist, with which the reader tries to approach the German Pope with ever new perspectives, to investigate the incomprehensible 'choice'". Preface by Archbishop Georg Gänswein.