TO LIVE IS TO CHANGE How to Achieve a Profound Transformation in Your Existence

Roberto Fusco , Alberto D'Auria

TO LIVE IS TO CHANGE How to Achieve a Profound Transformation in Your Existence

Come realizzare una trasformazione profonda nella tua esistenza

1st edition February 2024
Size 14 x 21 cm

Also available in eBook format

Number of pages 192
CDU 15B 108
ISBN/EAN 9788892244009


How to Achieve a Profound Transformation in Your Existence

By Roberto Fusco & Alberto D'Auria

This book was born from the meeting between two friends who began to reflect on something that affects us all very closely: change. Today we are too little focused on the present moment, we think more and more frequently about what we could have done differently in a certain circumstance, or we dream about what we would like to do in the future. We live with remorse and regret without worrying about how we could actually act today. Every little step, thoughts and energies should be focused on the here and now. It is undeniable that even if we refuse or resist change, it is impossible not to change. Change always presupposes a becoming, a continuous birth and death, a movement that we sometimes, even unconsciously, make, but which sooner or later we must manifest. We must have faith in change. And here the authors want to make the reader experience that the truest and most beautiful changes always arise from relationships with others; sometimes the latter are not easy or peaceful, it's true, but it is precisely from there that energies and alternatives arise that open up new paths in our lives.

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