I'm close to you 1

Laura Salvi

I'm close to you 1

Discovering and Living the Corporal Works of Mercy

1st edition January 2016
Size cm

CDU R4N 43
ISBN/EAN 9788821597268

The posters show children the Corporal Works of Mercy as a training of Christian identity through simple and concrete gestures. The essential teaching that is transmitted is that the centre of every work of mercy is Jesus. His actions and His words are the source of every good action. The poster is a folder: when it is open, it presents on the one side a colored full page that summarizes all the corporal works of mercy. It also proposed a simple activity that allows children to enrich and customize the poster. On the other side of the poster there are short explanatory texts on each work of mercy.

The Corporal Works of Mercy: a colourful poster for children.

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