Holy Spirit a gift for me. My Confirmation Album.

Laura Salvi

Holy Spirit a gift for me. My Confirmation Album.

L'album della mia Cresima

1st edition April 2019
Size 20,5 x 16 cm

Number of pages 128
CDU R4B 158
ISBN/EAN 9788892218468

An active book to experience Confirmation as a protagonist. The album is constructed like a treasure hunt on the tracks of the gifts of the Spirit. Interactive, compilable, robust and with stickers, it is a different way of experiencing the sacrament of Confirmation.

Laura Salvi is an illustrator and a trainer for workshops aimed at children, teenagers, and adults in order to promote a pedagogy of art by creating art. She is a consultant for teaching religion in the nursery school and an art teacher in kindergarten. As an author and illustrator, for many years she has been publishing with Edizioni San Paolo: Little fish from Heaven. Baptism told to children (2014), I Am Close to You / 1. Discovering and Living the Corporal Works of Mercy and I Am Close to You / 2. Discovering and Living the Spiritual Works of Mercy (2016), Jesus in My Heart. My First Communion Album (2016), My Rosary (2017), Earth is Our Home. 40 Activities for an Ecological Thinking (2017), Today I Attend Mass (2018), Today I Receive My First Communion (2020) and others. 

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