Natale Benazzi
The Works of Mercy Volume 7
To Forgive Offences Willingly. To Bear Wrongs Patiently
1st edition May 2016
Size 11 x 18 cm
Also available in eBook format
Number of pages 96
226T 152
The mystery of forgivness, far away from being an act that goes in one direction, is a two-ways path to be taken together by the two antagonists. It is a road that can be also long, but that is no doubt inevitable when you do not want to allow to evil to dig a place in your soul. Forgiveness does not mean in any way to cancel the memory of the facts, because evil always leaves a deep trace. It does mean to elevate both parts to a different step of life, toward the light of Christ.
Deepening the meaning of the works of spiritual mercy.