Papa Francesco (Jorge M. Bergoglio)
God's Passion, Hope For You
Thoughts, Words, and Prayers about Easter
1st edition February 2017
Size 13,5 x 21 cm
Also available in eBook format
Number of pages 168
98A 48
Pope Francis has always been sensitive to the issue of human suffering. Therefore the Pope does not miss an opportunity to talk about it. His sensitivity is rooted in a deep faith in the love of God, who became a man «to death, even death on a cross» (Phil 2:8) and who «shares the fate of the smallest among human beings.» On the occasion of Lent and Easter Pope Francis leads us into the deepest themes of this reflection: the pain of God and human beings, the passion of God for humanity...
This book collects the most beautiful words spoken by Pope Francis on the occasion of Easter and in preparation for it: for Christians the theme of suffering and death – of God and human beings – does not stop at the grave, but it opens up to hope for the resurrection. A text suitable for personal meditation.
Let us not allow darkness and fear to distract us and control us; we must cry out to them: the Lord «is not here, but has risen!» (Lk 24:6).