Angelo Comastri
Maria. The most beautiful woman in the world
La donna più bella del mondo
1st edition October 2023
Size 16,8 x 24 cm
Number of pages 144
22H 525
Don Tonino Bello, in a page vibrant with poetry and theology, writes: 'Mary must have been beautiful. I am not just talking about her soul... I am also talking about her woman's body'. Theology, however, notes the heroic and holy bishop of Molfetta-Terlizzi-Giovinazzo, is silent on Mary's human beauty. Perhaps out of modesty. Card. Comastri in the present volume wants to overcome precisely this modesty, tracing all the facets of Mary's beauty. The angel manifesting himself to Mary says to her: 'Rejoice, for you are full of grace', that is, you are full of true beauty! In what does Mary's beauty consist? It consists in the candour of her soul, in the purity of her feelings, in her heart free of all selfishness and therefore capable of true love. We need more than ever to rediscover this beauty, otherwise the world will be filled with monsters, with masks of beauty. And ugliness will rule the world. Let us run, then, to the feet of Mary and gaze upon her face, truly beautiful! The images, which embellish the volume, help us in this. The Church 'sings' the beauty of Mary in the main Marian solemnities, of which Card. Comastri offers us here some profound and moving meditations.