Carlo Maria Martini


Preghiera del peccatore che si rivolge a Dio

1st edition December 2021
Size 12 x 19 cm

Number of pages 176
CDU 226T 276
ISBN/EAN 9788892227767

It is necessary to remove from the dialogue with God all presumption, all that we think we have learnt and possess. We must enter prayer as poor, not as possessed. Whenever we present ourselves before God, we present ourselves as absolutely poor; I believe that whenever we do not do this, our prayer suffers, it becomes heavier, it is laden with things that disturb it. It is necessary to enter before God truly in a state of poverty, of being stripped bare, of being unpretentious:

Lord, I am not able to pray, and if you allow me to stand before you in a state of barrenness, of waiting, well I will bless this waiting, because you are too great for me to understand you. You are the Immense, the Infinite, the Eternal: how can I speak to you? (Carlo Maria Martini)

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