Angelo Comastri


1st edition April 2024
Size 12 x 19 cm

Number of pages 160
CDU 226Q 349
ISBN/EAN 9788892244375

226Q 349
Angelo Comastri

True prayer moves mountains, opens paths of peace, digs wells of joy, arouses authentic new beauty in life. If we knew how to pray, how much good we could sow in the world, how much sadness we would eliminate from history, how many injustices would dissolve to give way to fairness, service, and generosity. Unfortunately, one cannot help but notice that today few people know how to pray. This book comes to our aid as it collects the most beautiful and beloved prayers of a spiritual master like Cardinal Comastri. It is a collection capable of evoking the great themes that build the relationship between man and God. A prayer book that draws on ancient and new traditions, from Saint Augustine to Mother Teresa of Calcutta, from the Fathers of the Church to Saint John Paul II.

Card. ANGELO COMASTRI (Sorano, 1943) has been the vicar general of His Holiness for the Vatican City, archpriest of the papal basilica of Saint Peter, and president of the Fabric of Saint Peter until 2021. He is the author of numerous successful volumes on spirituality, liturgy, and meditation. Among his latest publications with Edizioni San Paolo: Ho conosciuto una santa. Madre Teresa di Calcutta (20172); Le ultime parole di Gesù (2019); Il perdono è l’arma di Dio (2021).

Selling Points
Great success of all Cardinal Comastri’s books.
An author capable of speaking to people of all classes and cultures.
A prayer school by a master of spirituality for our time.

For the first time a collection of Cardinal Comastri’s
most beautiful and beloved prayers.

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