Papa Francesco (Jorge M. Bergoglio)
The Poor, Our Own Flesh
1st edition September 2018
Size 14 x 21 cm
Also available in eBook format
Number of pages 192
98A 57
A book aimed at all men and women of good will,
believers or non-believers.
Pope Francis’ words are not generic calls to help
the poor, but they trace precise paths for actively
intervening right now.
From the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis
has committed himself actively in the fight against
poverty through concrete actions and calls for the
powerful of the world as well as for all men and
women of good will to act. Just to the poor, the last
and the forgotten, Pope Bergoglio has dedicated
his most beautiful and listened words. The voice
of the Pontiff, who is attentive to the spiritual and
material misery of humankind, has prophetically risen
to remind us once again about the importance of
solidarity. In these pages the readers will find a summa
of the spiritual ecology that the Pope has placed at the
centre of his preaching.