The Writings

Antonio M. Zaccaria

The Writings

Nuova edizione commentata

1st edition January 2024
Size 15 x 23 cm

Number of pages 1152
CDU 92K 111
ISBN/EAN 9788892242883

"The new edition of the Writings of Saint Anthony Mary Zacharias that we have in our hands, a truly mighty and meritorious work, due to the confreres Antonio Gentili and Giovanni Scalese, is fully part of the "fatal" modernisation or refinement of the various previous editions, the last of which ... dates back to 1996, and is therefore already 26 years old. This time, however - unlike the previous editions - it is a "resumption" of Zachariah's Writings, not only and not so much textual, but a true "critical" revisitation of the autographs or copies, or even of the tradition of Zachariah's works, again (and perhaps definitively) subdivided into paragraphs and verses, accompanied by abundant explanatory notes and even by 33 very appreciable and instructive Excursus... The reader who opens this edition of the Founder's Writings will immediately notice the elaborate graphic layout of the texts, subdivided into two columns (original text and its "translation" into updated Italian), which are flanked by a third marginal column on the right, containing intertextual references to the Writings themselves. ..". 
The present edition is "in its own way a summa, which could hardly have been imagined until the day before yesterday, which will remain - I believe - not only unsurpassed for many years, but will by now constitute an obligatory reference work for those who wish to know or write about Zaccaria. A figure who stands out here, as perhaps never before, for his spiritual height, for the depth of his religious thought, for the depth and maturity - we can truly say coram Deo - of his many initiatives".

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